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Name: The Administration Of Ireland, 1920


Author: Street, Major C. J. C.

Editor: Walsh, Pat

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2001

ISBN: 0 85034 089 6

Contents: In 1920 it must have been inconceivable to British governing circles, and British public opinion in general, that Britain could 'lose' Ireland. Large additions had recently been made to the Empire by victory in the Great War. Imperial glory was at its height. And the possibility that the Empire should begin to unravel so close to home was not to be entertained. And so, when England's oldest colony—the other green and pleasant land which had so often been conquered and so often been declared to be irrevocably British?voted to be independent in the 1918 General Election, the British Parliament and Government decided to take no notice of the vote. Major Street was part of the mighty military machine that had just won the greatest war in history and that was now deployed in support of the British Administration of Ireland against the will of the Irish electorate. He had specialised in Intelligence and Propaganda in the World War, and he was now deputed to provide propaganda legitimacy for the Black-and-Tan War. The book he produced is of interest as a coherent statement of the British case, published while the British Government still had the expectation of winning that war. And it has the further interest that Major Street had privileged access to the secret files of the Dublin Castle administration and made informative use of them. The book is thus both itself a historical document and a source of documents not generally available. It is of course written with propaganda 'spin', which the reader will allow for as he sees fit. The "Administration Of Ireland, 1920" is reproduced in full, along with the original Index. But we have not reproduced the green cover embossed with crowned harp in which it first appeared. This is followed by a substantial extract from "Ireland in 1921"—a disillusioned book published in 1922, when Britain had given up the attempt to maintain direct control of Ireland, had negotiated with the 'murderers' as statesmen, and was attempting to keep Ireland within the indirectly-held Empire, the "Commonwealth", as had been done with the South African Boers. Major Street, the intelligent and purposeful Imperialist, let his pain at this "compromising" turn of events be felt. That was at a time when therre was in England an incipient fascist movement, determined to maintain the glory of Empire against the "hidden hand" which was manipulating the "dark forces" of dissolution. A review of Major Street's other books is provided by Brendan Clifford, showing that muc that British propaganda of later times attributed to German Militarism or Fascism was to be found much closer to home. An introduction to the "British Administration Of Ireland, 1920" is provided by Dr. Pat Walsh, author of "Republicanism And Socialism" and "From Civil Rights To National War". 192 pp. (9.5" x 6") Bibliography. Index.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £15.00

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Name: The Armenian Insurrection And The Great War

Subtitle: Including two pamphlets by and "Armen Garo"

Author: Walsh, Pat



Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational Society

Published: 2015

ISBN: 978-1-872078-23-6

Contents: The Great Calamity that engulfed the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 has been narrowed down to a single question: Was the Young Turk Government in Istanbul guilty of Genocide? But the tragedy of the deaths of great numbers of Armenians, Turks and Kurds is inexplicable if confined solely to this. And it obscures important historical questions around the issues of instigation and betrayal that should be raised around these events. So a context is required to explain what really happened to produce such a disaster. That context is the Great War and the Armenian Insurrection. The Armenian Insurrection is described by a leading figure in it, the Dashnak revolutionary Dr. Pasdermadjian (Armen Garo), in writings long since forgotten. These put a very different complexion on the events of 1915. They describe a great moment of decision when the very existence of a people was gambled in the struggle for a Great Armenia, carved out of Ottoman territories in which the Armenians constituted a small minority. His two pamphlets reprinted here reveal that the 1914 Ottoman offer of an autonomous Armenian State was rejected by Armenians when what they thought was a better offer came from America, Britain and France. The price was that they fight the Ottomans. They gambled and lost, bringing disaster on the Armenian people. Also included is a commentary by Pat Walsh on the origin and development of 'the Armenian Question' and its culmination and final resolution in the catastrophic events in Anatolia brought about by the Great War. This reveals the instrumental part played by the Liberal Anglosphere in foisting dangerous notions of historic destiny on the Armenians and then a fraudulent war that encouraged them to destruction. When remembering the Armenian Great Calamity what should be sought is not only the truth, but the whole truth.

Extracts: No extracts at this time ERRATA Page 81 paragraph 2 "influence" should read "auspices". Page 81 paragraph 3 "God" should read "Christ" (twice). Page 81 paragraph 4 "Arafat" should read "Ararat" (twice). Page 102 paragraph 6 "Nicholas" should read "Alexander"


Price: £15.00

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Name: The Arms Conspiracy Trial

Subtitle: Ireland, 1970: The Prosecution Of Charles Haughey, Captain Kelly and Others

Author: Clifford, Angela


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2009

ISBN: 1 874157 20 2

Contents: The Arms Trial is the central point of the Arms Crisis of 1969-70—an event in Irish political life provoked by British misgovernment in Northern Ireland.

At issue was whether Irish Governments were to actively assist the defence of a beleaguered Northern minority, or leave Catholics to fend for themselves under the shock of the assault made on them in August 1969.

Taoiseach Jack Lynch delivered a speech promising not to "stand by" on 13th August. If that speech was not to be followed through with active assistance to the Nationalist minority, then it was irresponsibly inflammatory.

Lynch ordered his Army to do what it had never done before—to envisage incursions into the North and make preparations for them. Representatives of the Army established working relationships with the Northern Defence Committees which brought together a wide spectrum of Catholic opinion in the North.

Then, suddenly in May 1970, Lynch shocked the countryby sacking two senior members of his Government without explanation and charging them with conspiracy against the State a couple of weeks later. An officer in Military Intelligence, who had done no more than carry out orders, within the chain of command, was also charged with conspiracy. It was denied that the Government policy from August 1969 to May 1970 had ever been Government policy.

But official documents have come to light which gave the lie to Lynch and supported the Defence pleading and the Jury verdict.

In particular, it pointed to a Government Directive to the Army of 6th February 1970 to assist Northern defence—a document since released and reproduced in this book.

Colonel Michael Hefferon, Captain Kelly's commanding officer and the Director of Military Intelligence, was listed as the premier Prosecution witness. If he had given the evidence expected of him, it is possible that the Defendants would have been given long jail sentences. In the event, he found he could not perjure himself and told enough State secrets in Court to confirm that the attempted Arms Importation was indeed conducted under Government auspices. Hefferon's original police Statement, which implicated Defence Minister Gibbons in the operation was doctored for the Trial. It was released under the 30-year rule, and is reproduced in this book, along with the version submitted to the Court.

The second main witness was Gibbons, whose prevaricating performance in the witness box appalled all those eager to see convictions, including the British Ambassador to Dublin.

On the evidence placed before the Court, it was impossible to convict and the jury didn't. But interested parties immediately started to undermine that verdict and have continued to do so.

Using newspaper reports, this book provides an account of the Court case and sets it in the context of released official documents—many of them Top Secret—from both Irish and British Archives. It allows the principals to speak for themselves.

The Arms Crisis cannot be understood without knowing what happened in the Arms Trial—and that is what this book is about.

Extracts: No online extracts at this time.

Errata: No online errata at this time.

Price: £35.00

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Name: The Arms Crisis: What Was It About?


Author: Clifford, Angela


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2009

ISBN: 978-1-874158-22-6


Extracts: No online extracts at this time.

Errata: No online errata at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: The Bard (OUT OF PRINT)

Subtitle: Seán Riobaird O Súilleabháin

Author: Keane, Barry


Category: Irish History

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2012

ISBN: 978-1-903497-73-9

Contents: John Robert O Sullivan made Millstreet famous during the Land War. His fight with the landlords and land agents led to intense repression in Millstreet between 1881 and 1891. At one stage the small town of Millstreet had more than 80 armed police to enforce the law. This book tells the story of his life, the main events of the Land War at that time, and his eventual conviction in 1891 at a show trial in Nenagh before 'a hanging orange judge with a packed jury'. He received 24 years hard labour, leaving a wife and six small children behind. This is also the story of their struggle to survive in the face of impossible odds.

About The Author

Barry Keane is a History and Geography teacher and the author of a number of books and articles across many subjects including Protestant decline in post-independence Ireland. He is also a mountaineer and has authored a series of five hill-walking and rock-scrambling guidebooks for the South of Ireland. Most importantly for this book he is the great grandson of the Bard.

Extracts: No online extracts available at this time

Errata: No online errata available at this time

Price: £0.00

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Name: The Battle Of Crossbarry


Author: Neeson, Eoin


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2008

ISBN: 978-1-903497-40-1

Contents: The action at Crossbarry in West Cork in March 1921 was, from the Irish point of view, the most successful of all the battles of the War of Independence.

One hundred and four Irish troops of the special Flying Column fought their way successfully through surrounding, closing-in, British troops amounting to 1,200 men.

While this remarkable feat has been acknowledged and applauded world-wide, and used as a text-book example in military colleges from Sweden and the USA to Egypt, the full story is as yet little-known in Ireland.

This booklet is intended to redress the balance.

Extracts: There is no extra online material available at present.

Errata: There is no errata at present.

Price: £8.00

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Name: The Battles Of Knocknanoss And Knockbrack


Author: Clifford, Brendan


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society



Contents: The story of two battles involving the Confederation of Kilkenny in the 17th century English Civil War.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: The British Legion And Hitler

Subtitle: Lest We Forget

Author: Dyas, Eamon


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2005

ISBN: 0 85034 113 2

Contents: This pamphlet, which is not intended as an insult to the decent people who are members of the British Legion, is dedicated to the millions of decent human beings who perished on all sides during the First World War. It simply gives the history of the British Legion which shows it to have been a product of political duplicity on the part of the Establishment.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: The Burning Of Cork

Subtitle: An Eyewitness Account

Author: Ellis, Alan J.

Editor: Lane, Jack

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2004

ISBN: 1 903497 16 7

Contents: Along with the eyewitness account of the burning of Cork by the Black & Tans are reminiscences by members of the Gloucester Regiment of their experiences in Kiskeam during the War of Independence. Also, some more miscellaneous items on Millstreet Town.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £8.00

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Name: The Casement Diary Dogmatists



Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational Society

Published: 2004

ISBN: 1 874157 09 X


Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £6.00

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