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Name: Captain James Kelly Military Intelligence Reports

Subtitle: August 1969 - January 1970

Author: Kelly, Captain James

Editor: Clifford, Angela


Publisher: A Belfast Magazine

Published: 2024

ISBN: 978-1-874157-25-0

Contents: The documents reproduced here are Intelligence Reports, submitted to his Army superiors, and therefore to the Government, by Captain James Kelly of Military Intelligence. They were written in the course of his duties in 1969-70, when he was deployed in liaison work with Northern Nationalists. They provide an insider's view of events during the volatile years, when social unrest made it clear that the governing arrangements made by Westminster were not fit for purpose. Majority rule in a nationally-divided society had run into a dead end. Through his Northern connections the Captain was able to help to provide analysis and keep Government informed about the Northern Ireland scene when Catholic areas came under attack at a time of social volatility in 1969-1970. These Reports show that the Captain was no maverick, surreptitiously pursuing a republican agenda against the thrust of Government policy, but a diligent Army Officer carrying out duties with the full authority of his superiors. When the Government changed track, the Reports, it decided to destroy the record, but these Reports were fortuitously rescued, as a result of a tip-off that they were about to be trashed. They appear here in print for the first time.

Extracts: To purchase this book, contact: Eileen Courtney


Price: £10.00

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Name: Casement As Traitor-Patriot

Subtitle: The Crime Against Europe


Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: German-Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2002

ISBN: 0 85034 100 0

Contents: This timely pamphlet republishes Casement's indictment, showing that Imperial Britain, in launching a World War on Germany in 1914, was motivated by trade considerations and a desire to protect its world hegemony. Included is W.J. Maloney's "Casement As Traitor-Patriot" which shows the double standards in Britain in 1914, when 'traitors' on the enemy side were lionised.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Casement: Decoding False History

Subtitle: Recent Research by Paul R. Hyde

Author: Hyde, Paul



Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2021

ISBN: 978 1 903497 95 1

Contents: The chapters published here are the result of original research undertaken since publication of Anatomy of a lie by Paul R. Hyde in 2019. These chapters represent a further penetration into the century-long ‘Black Diaries’ controversy. Here readers can see for the first time the secret memo of 1914 which gave birth to the later scandal. Here Casement’s defence counsel, Serjeant Sullivan, is revealed as playing a major role in the deception. For the first time the seven conflicting versions of the diaries’ provenance are analysed with devastating conclusions. And here the astonishing revelations of an ex-naval officer, Commander Clipperton – suppressed by all biographers – can be seen for the first time. Published in 1973, Brian Inglis’ biography provided a new and convincing template for the interpretation of the Casement controversy; its consequences still resonate today. The Inglis template was convincing, detailed, clever and false. Without any source notes, it remains unsurpassed for the subtlety of its deceptions, rapidly becoming the standard biography which has conditioned the understanding of later generations of trusting readers and historians. But Inglis spun a web of deception exploiting logical fallacies, selective framing, omission, altered documents, innuendo, false attribution – all the sins of intellectual dishonesty. Anatomy of a lie exposed many of his sins for the first time; this volume reveals even more crimes against truth. FOREWORD by ANGUS MITCHELL

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.

Errata: There are no errata at this time.

Price: £12.00

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Name: Centenary Of The Balfour Declaration, 1917

Subtitle: Why did they do it?

Author: Walsh, Pat


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2017

ISBN: 978-0-85034-135-5

Contents: A century ago a British Government composed of some of the most able and experienced statesmen ever assembled decided to do something unprecedented and absolutely extraordinary in history. They decided to use the authority and power of the foremost state in the world to return a disparate and widely scattered people to a territory 2000 years after they had left it.



Price: £6.00

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Name: Church & State

Subtitle: An Irish History Magazine



Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books



Contents: A Cultural Review Of Ireland And The World.

A magazine which serves the pluralist movement in Ireland.




Price: £16.00

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Name: Church & State (PDF)

Subtitle: Yearly Subscription (Electronic Edition)



Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books



Contents: PLEASE NOTE: No delivery charges will be taken for this item.



Price: £6.00

Postage Option: Please choose the Free Postage option.

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Name: Connolly And German Socialism


Author: Clifford, Brendan


Category: German-Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2004

ISBN: 0 85034 107 X


Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Conversations With Carlyle

Subtitle: Reprint Of The 1892 Classic

Author: Duffy, Charles Gavan

Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2006

ISBN: 0 85034 114 0

Contents: That Gavan Duffy's Conversations With Carlyle has been out of print since its first edition in 1892 shows how modern Ireland is losing touch with its political origins. In this book it is reproduced in full, along with related texts. There is a substantial extract from Carlyle's Irish Journey, as well as shorter excerpts from his Sartor Resartus, Past & Present and Chartism.
Thomas Carlyle is now much forgotten, but his work went into the making of England. What is not widely appreciated is that his condemnation of Manchester capitalism struck a chord in mid-nineteenth century Ireland. The backdrop to Carlyle's association with Young Ireland and to his journeys in Ireland was the Great Famine of 1847, itself an indictment of laissez-faire. Young Ireland found in Carlyle's demands for political intervention in the production process an inspiration for remedying the ills of Ireland.
Brendan Clifford's introduction, Stray Thoughts About Young Ireland, considers the dynamics of the strange relationship between Irish revolutionaries and the English imperialist prophet, in the context of the views of Professor Maurice O'Connell, Conor Cruise O'Brien and Professor Roy Foster.

Extracts: From the beginning of Brendan Clifford's introduction Stray Thoughts On Young Ireland.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £15.00

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Name: Coolacrease

Subtitle: The true story of the Pearson executions:—an incident in the Irish War of Independence

Author: Heaney, Paddy, Muldowney, Pat, O'Connor, Philip


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2008

ISBN: 978-1-903497-48-7

Contents: COOLACREASE: A Shocking Story

At the end of the Irish War of Independence, two brothers were shot in Coolacrease, Co. Offaly, and their house was burned.

The people who carried out the shootings were not Irish rebels or uninvolved civilians. They were loyalist Protestants who had chosen to take up arms against the forces of the democratically elected Irish government. The IRA command ordered their execution.

So what is shocking about the deaths of these two men, in comparison with the hundreds of other deaths in the war waged by the British Imperial Government against the Irish democracy?

These events were practically unkown until 2007 when the Irish national broadcasting agency RTE produced a television documentary which portrayed the executions of the Pearson brothers as a sectarian anti-Protestant atrocity in furtherance of a land grab, as part of an ethnic cleansing drive by the Irish Republican movement against an ethnic minority in Ireland.

RTE claimed that their case was based on official evidence in documents of the Irish Land Commission.

…and now comes the really shocking part

RTE could not produce the documents they claimed proved their case, and the Land Commission denies that the programme ever examined the records of the division of the Pearson farm. The case presented by RTE is nothing but spurious atrocity propaganda, a travesty of what really happened.

The documentary record is presented in this book, which tells the true story of these tragic events.

This is a shocking story of low standards and cheap propaganda.

Extracts: No online extracts available at present.

Errata: No online errata at present.

Price: £25.00

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Name: Corbyn And Anti-Semitism


Author: Clifford, Brendan

Editor: Barry, Dick


Publisher: Bevin Books

Published: 2018

ISBN: 978-1-84463-60-3

Contents: Introduction by Dick Barry--- Corbyn, Labour and anti-Semitism by Mark Cowling--- A Response by Brendan Clifford--- Immaculate Israel? by Gwydion M. Williams--- APPENDIXES:--- Working Definition of Antisemitism | IHRA--- A briefing Document on the IHRA definition of antisemitism--- by Jewish Voice For Labour--- Statement by Jewish Voice For Labour--- The Dangers of Introducing Too Much Subjectivity Into--- The Definition Of Racism: Institute of Race Relations--- Time To Call Their Bluff! by David Rosenberg--- Anti-Semitism: A Sky Debate

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time

Errata: There are no errata at this time

Price: £5.00

Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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