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Name: Irish Bulletin. Volume 4, Part 2

Subtitle: 18 March 1921 - 31 May 1921

Author: Eireann, Dail

Editor: Lane, Jack


Publisher: Belfast Historical and Educational Society

Published: 2020

ISBN: 978-1-872078-30-4

Contents: This is Part Two of the fourth volume of the paper, reproduced as faithfully as possible to the original. Other volumes will follow. Preface by Jack Lane Introduction by Brendan Clifford

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time

Errata: There are no errata at this time

Price: £30.00

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Name: Irish Education

Subtitle: The Case For Secular Reform

Author: Alvey, Dave


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 1991

ISBN: 1 874032 00 9

Contents: Preface by Michael D. Higgins T.D. 144 pp.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £11.50

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Name: Irish Foreign Affairs

Subtitle: Yearly Subscription


Editor: Irish Political Review Group

Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books


ISBN: ISSN 2009-132X

Contents: A quarterly magazine devoted to an historical examination of independent Irish foreign policy.



Price: £16.00

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Name: Irish Foreign Affairs (PDF)

Subtitle: Yearly Subscription (Electronic Edition)



Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books



Contents: PLEASE NOTE: No delivery charges will be taken for this item.



Price: £8.00

Postage Option: Please choose the Free Postage option.

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Name: Irish Political Review And Northern Star

Subtitle: Yearly Subscription



Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books


ISBN: ISSN:—0790-7672

Contents: Published monthly.

The IPR carries analysis of Irish and Northern Ireland current affairs, as well as items of European and international significance.

Includes Labour Comment.

Current and past editorials from the IPR can be read on this site.

Some past issues of the magazine may also be downloaded from there.



Price: £25.00

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Name: Irish Political Review And Northern Star (PDF)

Subtitle: Yearly Subscription (Electronic Edition)



Category: Periodicals

Publisher: Athol Books



Contents: PLEASE NOTE: No delivery charges will be taken for this item.



Price: £12.00

Postage Option: Please choose the Free Postage option.

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Name: Irish Solidarity with Cuba Libre

Subtitle: A Fenian Eyewitness Account Of The First Cuban War Of Independence

Author: O'Riordan, Manus


Category: General

Publisher: SIPTU

Published: 2009

ISBN: 978-0-9555823-1-9

Contents: Midway through Cuba's first War of Independence (1868-78), as war correspondent for the New York Herald, the Fenian leader James J. O'Kelly (1843-1916) brought the Cuban fight for freedom to world attention.

As a contribution towards internationalist solidarity and understanding, this SIPTU publication wishes to commemorate both the centenary of its own foundation in 1909 and the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Cuban Revolution.

Primarily consisting of O'Kelly's own vivid and dramatic eyewitness reports from Cuba, it is introduced by an extensive biographical essay from SIPTU's Head of Research, Manus O'Riordan, in which he details and critically evaluates the lengthy political career of James J. O'Kelly: as Fenian leader, as Home Rule MP, and—above all else—as the foremost 19th century exponent of Irish internationalist solidarity with liberation struggles in both Cuba and Africa.

Extracts: No extracts available at this time.

Errata: No online errata available at this time

Price: £15.00

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Name: Is the Labour Party Institutionally Anti-Semitic?

Subtitle: an historical background

Author: Society, Bevin


Category: General

Publisher: Bevin Books

Published: 2019

ISBN: 978-1-874463-65-8

Contents: The magazine, ‘Labour Affairs,’ has been commenting on the issue of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party and a debate has taken place between a contributor, Mark Cowling, and others on the cause of this phenomenon. Mark has taken the view in his contributions that Labour and Corbyn have a case to answer. Others disagree. The issue lies essentially on the nature of the Israeli state today and its creation. But the issue is presented as a pure case of anti-Semitism that has been caused by Corbyn and his supporters since he took over. Nobody who knows anything about Corbyn and his political history could seriously consider him an anti-Semite but everybody knows of his support for the Palestinian cause. That is the issue behind the anti-Semitism charges.

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.

Errata: There are no errata at this time

Price: £3.00

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Name: James Connolly Re-Assessed

Subtitle: The Irish And European Context

Author: O'Riordan, Manus


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2006

ISBN: 1 903497 26 4


Extracts: No extra online material as yet.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: Joe Devlin: What Now?

Subtitle: His Confrontation Of The British Parliament after the 1918 Election


Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2007

ISBN: 978 1 874158 19 6

Contents: Joseph Devlin, Member of Parliament for West Belfast, was one of the triumvirate of Irish Home Rule leaders from the beginning of the 20th century until 1918; the other two were John Redmond and John Dillon. Redmond was the nominal leader of the Party—the Chairman. Dillon was the guardian of its ideology. Devlin was the creator and leader of the body which gave at least a sembalnce of internal political or spiritual life to the Party which dominated the Irish electoral scene but refused to take part in the Government of the state—the Ancient Order of Hibernians.

This booklet consists of an Introduction by Brendan Clifford, Devlin's speech in the House of Commons following the general election of 1918, a short chapter on The Grammar Of Anarchy, some material of Devlin's Election Campaign Against Sinn Féin in 1918 and a chapter on William O'Brien.

Extracts: No online material available at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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