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Name: Corbyn And Anti-Semitism


Author: Clifford, Brendan

Editor: Barry, Dick


Publisher: Bevin Books

Published: 2018

ISBN: 978-1-84463-60-3

Contents: Introduction by Dick Barry--- Corbyn, Labour and anti-Semitism by Mark Cowling--- A Response by Brendan Clifford--- Immaculate Israel? by Gwydion M. Williams--- APPENDIXES:--- Working Definition of Antisemitism | IHRA--- A briefing Document on the IHRA definition of antisemitism--- by Jewish Voice For Labour--- Statement by Jewish Voice For Labour--- The Dangers of Introducing Too Much Subjectivity Into--- The Definition Of Racism: Institute of Race Relations--- Time To Call Their Bluff! by David Rosenberg--- Anti-Semitism: A Sky Debate

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time

Errata: There are no errata at this time

Price: £5.00

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Name: D. D. Sheehan: Why He Left Cork In 1918



Editor: Lane, Jack

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2003

ISBN: 1 903497 14 0

Contents: Reprinting and putting in context an interesting correspondence in the North Cork edition of "The Corkman" between October 2002 and January 2003 about D D Sheehan's departure from Cork in 1918.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: Daniel O'Connell And Republican Ireland


Author: Clifford, Brendan


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society




Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: Dánta Eoghan Rua O'Sullivan

Subtitle: Poems of Eoghan Rua O'Sullivan

Author: O'Sullivan, Eoghan Rua

Editor: Muldowney, Pat

Category: Gaelic Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2009

ISBN: 978 1 903497 57 9

Contents: Eoghan an Bhéil ar an saol aris!

This book is a copanion volume to the Aislingi or Vision Poems of Eoghan Rua O'Sullivan re-published by the Aubane Historical Society in 2002. The present volume includes the other poems attributed to Eoghan in the editions of his work published by Pádraig Ua Duinnín (1901 and 1923), and by Risteárd Ó Foghludha (1937). Also included in this edition are some previously unpublished manuscript poems attributed to Eoghan, and lines and verses which were omitted by Ua Duinnín and Ó Foghludha because they were too risqué for publication in editions which those editors optimistically expected to be used as school textbooks.

The poems published here for the first time are attributed to Eoghan in the Royal Irish Academy manuscripts, in the Ferriter Collection in University College Dublin. The full version of Molly Casey's Charms is from a manuscript in Mount Melleray library. The Gaelic fonts were created by Vincent Morley. Terry Curran designed the cover.

In the eighteenth century, and even the nineteenth, the poems of Eoghan Rua were kept in circulation by arduous manual transcription carried on in difficult circumstances. After a lapse of seventy years since Ó Foghludha's edition, this re-publication of part of our literary inheritance is long overdue.

Eoghan Ó Súilliobháin (his own spelling) died in 1784, aged about 36. His muse lives in these pages.

Extracts: There are no online extracts available at this time.

Errata: There is no online errata available at this time.

Price: £17.50

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Name: Dánta Piarais Feiritéir

Subtitle: Poems of Pearse Ferriter

Author: Ferriter, Pearse

Editor: Muldowney, Pat

Category: Gaelic Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 1999

ISBN: 0 9521081 8 6

Contents: Poems of Pearse Ferriter with English translations by Pat Muldowney. A companion cassette tape of reading of the Gaelic poems by Bosc? ? Conc?ir is also available from the publishers. 120 pp.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £12.00

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Name: Das Kapital Reviewed

Subtitle: A modern business approach to Marxism

Author: Martin, John


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2007

ISBN: 9 780 85034 115 7

Contents: This book is a review of Karl Marx's Das Kapital from a businessman's perspective. John Martin gives a clear concise summary of the ideas contained in the three volumes of Marx's classic work and then subjects them to criticism.

Das Kapital describes the laws of motion of the capitalist system. Marx had very little to say about the transition from capitalism to communism and still less about what a communist society might look like. Therefore the relevance of Marx's work does not stand or fall on the fortunes of the communist movement.

Indeed the author argues that the persistence of the capitalist system and its continued expansion throughout the world makes the ideas of Marx more relevant in the twenty-first than in the nineteenth century when the work was written.

There are two insights of Marx which are more relevant today than they were in his own time. The first is the idea that capitalism socialises production even if ownership remains in private hands. The second insight is the idea that capitalism has a tendency to incorporate the world into its system. The current word for this phenomenon is "Globalisation".

The author compares Marx's theoretical view of the capitalist system with his own practical experience and concludes that Marx's analysis gives a better theoretical framework for understanding the system than modern economics textbooks. Notwithstanding Marx's errors, which the author discusses, the overall conclusion is that it is far too soon to consign Marx to the dustbin of history.

John Martin has an Honours Degree in Economics and Politics, and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. He has worked as a Financial Controller, Director, and General Manager, and is currently a part owner of an Irish Manufacturing company.

Extracts: There are no online extracts available at this time.

Errata: There are no errata at this time.

Price: £10.00

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Name: Derry And The Boyne


Author: Plunket, Nicholas

Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Northern Ireland Collection

Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational Society

Published: 1990

ISBN: 1 872078 01 X

Contents: This book is made up of a contemporary account of the Siege of Derry and the Battle of the Boyne by an Irish Jacobite soldier, whose name was probably Nicholas Plunket, along with a historical introduction by Brendan Clifford. Catholic Ireland in all its variety - and it had considerable variety within itself in those times - was willing and eager to settle down under the Stuart monarchy. The Old Irish and Old English were in perfect agreement about the legitimacy of the Stuarts as kings of Ireland, and they were especially happy with James II. But twice within half a century - in 1641 and 1688 - rebellions in England disrupted the public life of Ireland, overturned the Irish Constitution, and plunged the country into war. Plunket's narrative begins with the restoration of the Stuart monarchy in 1660, when the first English rebellion had petered out because of its inability to establish a viable state, and it describes in interesting detail the valiant effort made by the Irish to preserve their monarchy in the face of the second English rebellion. Brendan Clifford's Introduction shows what happened in Ireland between 1641 and 1690. It describes the Confederation of Kilkenny; the alliance between Owen Roe O'Neill and the Cromwellians; the emergence of liberal Catholicism; the enthusiasm of the Gaels for James II; the context of European politics, which was dominated by the conflict between Catholic France and the decade prior to 1688; James' attempt to establish freedom of religion; the Revolution; and he compares the extension of the English revolutionary regime to Ireland with the extension of the Russian revolutionary regime to Easter Europe. Here, on the tercentenary of the Battle of the Boyne, is the real story of how it all happened and what it was all about. 132 pp.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £11.50

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Name: Edmund Burke And The United Irishmen

Subtitle: Their Relevance To Ireland Today

Author: Clifford, Brendan


Category: United Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society



Contents: Pamphlet.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £5.00

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Name: Edmund Burke by John Morley



Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 1993

ISBN: 0 85034 068 3

Contents: Morley's life of Burke is unique among political biographies. It is the biography of one politician and literary man written by another. Each was influential both as a political writer and as a practising politician. Each was a strong party man, and yet each broke with his party at a critical moment on an issue of principle. Burke split the Whig Party because its leaders would not support him in preaching against the French Revolution. Morley, having held senior Cabinet positions in the Governments led by Gladstone, Campbell-Bannerman and Asquith, resigned from Asquith's Government in August 1914, after he had failed to dissuade it from making war on Germany. Morley was a major influence on Liberal Politics before he entered Parliament. As editor of the "Fortnightly Review" he had tried to develop a coherent and adequate culture of its own for the middle class which had become the dominant class under the Reform Act. This was a continuation of Richard Cobden's campaign against the "feudal" culture in English capitalism. Morley recommended to his readers the French "Enlightenment" writers denounced by Burke. Morley and Burke were antitheses both personally and in what they represented socially. Morley's biography is neither nostalgia for the old order, nor vituperation against it, but a critical assimilation of Burke into middle class culture. It is the kind of thing which socialist writers failed to do with relation to either Morley or Burke—a failure which rendered British socialist culture brittle, and ready to crumble at the first touch of Thatcherism. Brendan Clifford provides an Introduction about Morley and Burke, and a Postscript on a recent book on Burke by C. C. O'Brien. A guide to the main personages referred to is also included. 168 pp. Illustrations. Index

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: £12.00

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Name: Elizabeth Bowen: a 'debate' in the Irish Examiner



Editor: Lane, Jack

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2008

ISBN: 9781 9034976 44 9

Contents: Jack Lane and others on Elizabeth Bowen's espionage activities in Ireland during WW II.

Extracts: No online extracts available at present.

Errata: No online errata available at present.

Price: £5.00

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