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Name: Gofraidh Fionn O Dalaigh, Poems to the English/ Dan na nGall

Subtitle: Paperback

Author: Gofraidh, Fionn O Dalaigh

Editor: Minahane, John


Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2020

ISBN: 978-1-903497-92-0

Contents: The Editor is John Minahane, who translated the poems and supplies an explanatory Introduction and Notes. The Irish and English versions of the poems are on facing pages. Gofraidh Fionn O Dalaigh, from Ballydaly on the presentday Cork-Kerry border, is one of Ireland’s greatest poets. This book seeks to make his poetry accessible. The selection here, including his superb poem addressed to the Hill of Clara, leads up to the three surviving poems which Gofraidh made for the English, or English-Irish, earls of Desmond. These intense communications throw light on one of the most famous but least understood facts of Irish history: that the colonists from the first English invasion took up Irish thinking-patterns and ways. The original Irish is given here, in its appropriate script, with facing translations. While the virtuoso musical qualities of the originals cannot be matched, the English versions do try to convey their vitality and main concerns. John Minahane’s introduction explores the historical and cultural context. “I love the rivers of Ireland” and some other poems attributed to the 3rd Earl of Desmond, Gerald FitzMaurice (Gearóid Iarla), are included also, as relevant to the theme. Gofraidh’s dates, incidentally, are: born about 1300; died 1387. This book is unique in recent times, as a sympathetic and respectful presentation of the work of one of the great professional poets who were such a distinctive feature of civilisation in Ireland.

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.

Errata: There are no errata at this time.

Price: 20.00

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Name: Gofraidh Fionn O Dalaigh, Poems to the English/ Dan na nGall Paperback


Author: Gofraidh, Fionn O Dalaigh

Editor: Minahane, John


Publisher: Aubane Historical Society

Published: 2020

ISBN: 978-1-903497-92-0

Contents: The Editor is John Minahane, who translated the poems and supplies an explanatory Introduction and Notes. The Irish and English versions of the poems are on facing pages. Gofraidh Fionn O Dalaigh, from Ballydaly on the presentday Cork-Kerry border, is one of Ireland’s greatest poets. This book seeks to make his poetry accessible. The selection here, including his superb poem addressed to the Hill of Clara, leads up to the three surviving poems which Gofraidh made for the English, or English-Irish, earls of Desmond. These intense communications throw light on one of the most famous but least understood facts of Irish history: that the colonists from the first English invasion took up Irish thinking-patterns and ways. The original Irish is given here, in its appropriate script, with facing translations. While the virtuoso musical qualities of the originals cannot be matched, the English versions do try to convey their vitality and main concerns. John Minahane’s introduction explores the historical and cultural context. “I love the rivers of Ireland” and some other poems attributed to the 3rd Earl of Desmond, Gerald FitzMaurice (Gearóid Iarla), are included also, as relevant to the theme. Gofraidh’s dates, incidentally, are: born about 1300; died 1387. This book is unique in recent times, as a sympathetic and respectful presentation of the work of one of the great professional poets who were such a distinctive feature of civilisation in Ireland.

Extracts: There are no extracts at this time.

Errata: There are no errata at this time

Price: 20.00

Postage Option: It is not possible for us to trade using only one postage rate. We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Air Mail. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Henry Montgomery's Letter To Daniel O'Connell



Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Northern Ireland Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 1991

ISBN: 1 874157 00 6

Contents: "A Belfast Magazine", Vol. 4, No. 1, June 1991. Pamphlet

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 5.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Hitler's English Inspirers


Author: Sarkisyanz, Manuel


Category: German-Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2003

ISBN: 0 85034 086 1

Contents: Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party did not come out of a vacuum—nor were they the only—evil—excrescences of a recalcitrant Germany/Austria. The Nazi leader is rightly reviled for his anti-Semitism, expansionism and genocide. But he did not originate these aberrations of Statecraft—neither the theory of them nor the practice. All had been features of the English family of nations—a family in which Hitler as a Teuton demanded a place. An ambition which very nearly succeeded under Neville Chamberlain. England did not become the major Superpower of the era by application of sweet reason. America existed by extermination of the Red Indians, Canada of the Innuit, Australia by the then ongoing destruction of the Aborigines; New Zealand ousted the Maoris—and the new colonisation project in Palestine was authorised by Britain just as Hitler was becoming receptive to geopolitical ideas. What Hitler planned to do in the western reaches of Russia was not different in kind from any of these: they all justified themselves by Social Darwinism. As the Ministerial English Liberal, Sir Charles Dilke, claimed: "the Anglo-Saxon is the only extirpating race on earth. Up to the commencement of the now inevitable destruction of the Red Indians?, of the Maoris and of the [aboriginal] Australians, no numerous race has ever been blotted out by an invader". Professor Sarkisyanz in this erudite and well-referenced work shows how Hitler, a convinced Anglophile, believed that Germany could be brought out of the Versailles slough of despond by emulating British methods of rule, of leadership training and of social conformity, to become an ally of the British Empire around the world. But that meant he had, amongst other things, to teach his Germans to replicate the mindset of his mentors. This book shows from Nazi sources how they—and their ideological forbears—were influenced by writers such as Carlyle (who proposed forced labour for Caribbean negroes and the regimentation of labour), Disraeli (a convinced racist), Houston Stewart Chamberlain (a race theorist who directly inspired Hitler's anti-Semitic genocide and was related to the British Establishment Chamberlains) and a host of others. Carthill—the senior British functionary in India, who extolled the efficacy of 'administrative massacre' to suppress revolt—helped to stimulate Nazi brutality. While Hitler certainly surpassed his inspirers, his action continued a well-charted direction. His downfall came because, having learned how to act from the British example, he did not know—unlike his mentors—when to stop.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 22.50

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: How German East Africa Was Founded


Author: Peters, Carl

Editor: Clifford, Angela

Category: German-Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2001

ISBN: 085034 096 9

Contents: Carl Peters, an Anglophile German with connections to the British establishment, describes how he established African colonies in the British manner by setting up a joint stock company. This method was necessitated by Bismarck's opposition to the venture. Peters' naive account is revealing of how Empires are built in practice. Angela Clifford's introduction supplies a European context for Germany's Imperial ambitions in the late nineteenth century. Translated by Philip O'Connor. 72 pp (A4)

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 7.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: In Times Of Peril


Author: Kearns, Linda

Editor: Clifford, Brendan

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 1995

ISBN: 1 874157 05 2

Contents: Memoirs of the Irish War of Independence by Nurse Linda Kearns. Introduction by Brendan Clifford. A Belfast Magazine, No. 16 (March, 1995)

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 5.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Iraq: Blair's Big Lie Confirmed


Author: Morrison, David


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2005

ISBN: 1 874463 40 9

Contents: Second edition with Foreword by George Galloway MP, in which he says: "David Morrison is one of the most forensic but unsung writers in these islands. He has consistently tracked down the facts and unmasked the lies in New Labour's propaganda." This pamphlet shows how, in the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq, the Prime Minister continually stated that his objective was the disarmament of Iraq as laid down in Security Council resolutions, and not regime change. In fact, a year earlier, he had already offered his wholehearted support to President Bush in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 3.00

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Name: Iraq: Lies, Half-truths & Omissions


Author: Morrison, David


Category: General

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2003


Contents: The title says it all.

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 5.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Ireland (1921)


Author: Curtis, Lionel

Editor: Walsh, Pat

Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Belfast Historical & Educational Society

Published: 2002

ISBN: 874157 08 1

Contents: Contains extracts from Lionel Curtis' article, Ireland, which was first published in the June 1921 issue of the "Round Table", and an extract from Henry Harrison's "The Neutrality Of Ireland". Pat Walsh's introduction "The Anglo-Irish Treaty And The 'Lost World' Of Imperial Ireland: Lionel Curtis and Henry Harrison on South Africa and Ireland" puts the treaty in its geopolitical context. There is also an account of the extremely influential Imperialist secret society, the 'Cliveden Set' founded by Cecil Rhodes and continued by, among others, Lord Milner and Lionel Curtis. Pamphlet. 80pp. A Belfast Magazine, No. 20

Extracts: No extra online material at this time.

Errata: No errata available at this time.

Price: 5.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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Name: Ireland After The End Of Western Civilisation


Author: Fennell, Desmond


Category: Irish Collection

Publisher: Athol Books

Published: 2009

ISBN: 978 08034 1201

Contents: The West’s present system of rules for individual and social behaviour has replaced that of inherited European civilisation. The new system could be designated ‘post-European’. It is a utopian experiment, originating in and emanating from the USA. In many ways it is a western parallel to the Soviet experiment, which was similarly post-European in origin.

Failing to make sense to westerners as a framework for life, our system has lasted until now merely because of the constant increase of the power to buy things and do things which it has been providing to states and consumers. When that dual increase ceases, it will dissolve into social chaos, leaving the task of building the widely desired post-European civilisation to a future generation.

Those are the bare bones of Desmond Fennell’s ground-breaking account of the recent history and present condition of the western world – an account which is given pressing relevance by the West’s economic crisis. It is also the context in which - in a series of essays dated and set in the weeks leading up to the Lisbon Treaty referendum of 2008 - he discusses the referendum campaigns; the European Union; the decline of the Catholic Church; Terry Keane and Charles Haughey; Irish Times and Irish people; confusion in Dublin’s art museums; Dundrum Shopping Centre; and other matters.

Extracts: No online extracts available at this time.

Errata: No online errata available at this time.

Price: 8.00

Postage Option: We are able to deliver free to shipping addresses within the United Kingdom and Ireland. To the rest of the world we deliver by Airmail, for which there is a charge. Please indicate below which postage option you require. Please take your time and be sure to choose the correct option. This will save both time and trouble.

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